Hand and arm transplants became a reality 20 years ago.
While the first hand transplant was attempted in 1964, the first successful arm transplant was performed in 1999. 2019 marks the 20th anniversary of that event; yet only 25% of amputees surveyed were aware and/or offered a transplant as an option as of 2018.
Despite these successes, very few are aware that a hand or arm can be transplanted restoring feel and function.
Less than 100 people have received a hand or arm transplant within the past twenty years.
Hand/arm transplants have significantly evolved in that time. While one recipient made an around the world motorcycle trip with his transplanted arms, another threw out the first pitch at a major league baseball game. In 2016 a recipient of a hand transplant was able to move his fingers within two hours of having surgery and his entire hand within three days. Despite these successes, very few are aware that a hand or arm can be transplanted restoring feel and function.